
Our prints are fully customizable, at the exact size you want, with framing options. All prints are made to order and hand finished, with a production time of approximately 7 days, plus additional delivery time of approximately 7 days. Scroll down for more instructions on how to order.

Stretched Canvas Print

Canvas Prints

  • Giclee prints with pigment ink for longevity (up to 200 years)

  • Custom-made on Premium Fine Art Matte Canvas (410g/m2)

  • Stretched on 1.5 inch thick wood for a gallery look, choose mirrored edges

  • Suggested frame: #240, natural wood, or explore other options

  • Choose 'Artistic Knife Varnish' in the cart for a hand-finished, brushstroke effect

Paper Prints

  • Fully customizable sizes

  • Choose from various paper types; 'Giclée Art Matte Paper Print' preferred

  • Suggest to add the 2” mat

  • Suggested frame: #240 Natural wood, with many other options available

Exclusively at Anthropologie •

Exclusively at Anthropologie •

Dive into 'Far,' part of the chilled-out 'Dolce Far Niente' series, now available exclusively on It's all about the laid-back vibes and the luxury of lounging. With a cool frame to match its cool attitude, 'Far' is your little slice of doing absolutely nothing, in the most stylish way possible. Snag it, hang it, and just be.
